Well-attended information evening about the redesign of Harlingen's city center

More than 100 interested individuals gathered last night at the Entrepot building on Nieuwe Willemshaven in Harlingen for an information evening about the redesign of the city center. During this well-attended meeting, which included local residents, hospitality entrepreneurs, and shopkeepers, the municipality provided an update on the plans and the next steps.
Jeroen Marseille presented our initial ideas. It’s great to see how many people are engaged with this place. We look forward to incorporating all the input from this evening into a new design for Harlingen’s beautiful city center.
Photo by Joachim de Ruijter

New project in Tilburg

The Brabants Afval Team (BAT) is renovating its headquarters in Tilburg. Together with Grosfeld Bekkers van der Velde Architects, we won the tender for this wonderful project. The new construction will be designed with circularity and sustainability in mind, and the surrounding landscape will become greener and more resilient to rainwater.
The design is scheduled to be delivered in September 2025, and the building is set to open in 2027.

Dudok at the Diep attracts a lot of attention during Open Monumentsday

This past weekend, we had the pleasure of welcoming no less than 900 visitors to the nearly fully renovated old gas station of Dudok. It was a preview of what this iconic building will mean for the Diepenring in the future. The work is in full swing, and we can't wait to admire the final result!

A Green Waddenpromenade

On September 12, Jeroen Marseille presented the preliminary design for the redesign of the Waddenpromenade in Harlingen to over 100 residents and business owners.

This paved area will become much greener in the future and will offer better quality spaces for the 800,000 travelers who use it every year. In our plan, there will be less space for cars, and the connection to the Long-Term Parking Lot and the city center will be improved. Along the primary sea dike, a park will be created in place of a parking lot, providing a beautiful view of the Old Outer Harbor and the historic city.

This will create a beautiful green space for both travelers and the residents of Harlingen. In the coming period, we will be working closely with the project team to ensure the planned completion in 2027. If you'd like to learn more about the project, Click here for the article from Omrop Fryslân.


News about Sports Complex Borne

In the future, the residents of Borne will be able to exercise in a green, climate-adaptive environment. In addition to the swimming pool, sports halls, and beach volleyball courts, the public space will offer plenty of opportunities for sports. Click here to read the article.

Presentation Provinciehuis

Last night, Jos Dijcker, Rick van Essen, Jeroen Marseille and Niek Broeze presented the ambition sketches for the street-level design of the Weezenlanden-Noord mobility hub in Zwolle to local residents.

The hub will have 455 parking spaces for residents, employees and visitors to the city centre. By eventually building 5 of these hubs, Zwolle's city centre can be made largely car-free.
Construction is scheduled to begin in 2027.

Provinciehuis Overijssel Zwolle

On behalf of the municipality of Zwolle, Marseille Buiten will develop a vision for the site in front of the Provincial Government Building. Under the current Luttenbergstraat, a Mobility Hub will be established to provide parking for residents and visitors. Additionally, (part of) the surface parking of the Province will be resolved underground. This presents a wonderful opportunity to connect the area to the existing Park de Wezenlanden and the new development of Weezenlanden-Noord.

Attention to detail

Today marks an important moment in the realization of our large boardwalk at Dudok aan het Diep in Groningen. At contractor De Boer en De Groot, we evaluated the mock-up; a one-to-one model of a section of boardwalk in FSC Cumaru wood. We engaged in useful discussions about chamfers, joint widths, management and maintenance, lighting, and anti-slip properties. Construction of the structure will commence before the summer break. Next summer, everyone is welcome to enjoy the boardwalk landscape, basking in the sun with their feet in the water, while taking in the city!